Find out how Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG has revolutionised its customer approach with a…
Find out more about our biggest customer successes over the last 20 years. Through long-term partnership-based customer relationships, we have achieved measurable business impact for leading companies in every industry.
AIDA is revolutionising customer communication with a 360° customer view. Find out how you too can efficiently implement customised campaigns with DYMATRIX Marketing Automation.
Find out how Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG has revolutionised its customer approach with a…
Discover how Stage Entertainment successfully combines emotional customer relationships…
Experience how UNIQA strengthens customer loyalty with DYMATRIX Marketing Automation.…
Breuninger and DYMATRIX: a marketing automation success story. Experience how data-driven…
Discover the Immowelt success story! Find out how the company reaches its target group…
Find out how Pro-Idee has reached a new level of customer loyalty through data-driven…
The Munich Municipal Utilities focus on customer orientation in marketing. Find out more…
Discover how the energy provider VERBUND DYMATRIX uses marketing automation for targeted,…
Heise Zeitschriften Verlag relies on DYMATRIX Marketing Automation. Find out how Heise…