The CX Platform for Media & Publishing

We know and understand the challenges in the B2C and B2B business of the media and publishing industry. For over 20 years, we have been helping publishers and media companies on their way to successful data-driven marketing and CRM!

a woman sitting in an armchair reading a book

Focusing on your Readers and Business Partners as the Basis for Omnichannel Marketing Automation

Our Customer Data Platform (CDP) for media companies and publishers is designed to meet the typical challenges, such as the integration of a wide range of media, subscription and paywall systems.

The CDP combines all the data of your subscribers, readers, business partners and prospects in a central location. Intelligent ID matching breaks down data silos and standardised duplicate cleansing merges fragmented information into unique profiles. This gives you a holistic 360-degree view of your readers, prospects and business partners – the guarantee for your successful multi-channel marketing automation.

CDP includes field-tested and industry-specific key figures as well as a variety of triggers for event-driven automated campaigns. Thanks to clear dashboards and deep-dive analyses, you get to know your customers holistically and are able to quickly derive suitable measures.

Man with brown hair and glasses reads a book.

Data-driven Marketing for a successful Customer Experience

Whether for print, e-paper or digital product variants: with our marketing automation industry solution, specially designed for the media and publishing business, you can reach your readers, subscribers or business partners at the relevant and preferred touchpoints – targeted, data-driven and, above all, personalised.

A number of media and publishing houses have already chosen our customer experience platform. With the help of our experienced experts, you will be ready for your AI and data-driven marketing in just a few weeks.

Woman with brown curly hair and glasses holds several books in her hands and looks sceptical.

Significant Increase in ROI through AI-based Personalization

The customer experience platform for media and publishing houses has a modular structure and provides you with state-of-the-art AI industry solutions to continuously optimise your individual recommendations. Personalisation increases the relevance of your content and differentiates you from your competitors. Information on the optimal time to address and send content to each customer and many more AI models developed explicitly for your industry take your communication to a new level – all as a service or individually set up for you.

Choose from a variety of industry-specific customer prediction modules to significantly increase your ROI: churn prediction, subscription forecasting, customer value modelling and segmentation, next best content and topic modelling are just a few possibilities.ierung, Next Best Content sowie Topic Modeling sind nur ein paar Möglichkeiten.

Older man with glasses reads a newspaper and smiles.

Industry-specific Campaigns for more Customer Loyalty

Industry-specific and automated campaign routes help you to convert your prospects into loyal subscribers and retain them in the long term.

  • Automated follow-up campaigns for trial and short subscriptions with a positive option
  • Classic abandoned order & reminder campaigns
  • Reactivation campaigns for missing logins with mention of top articles
  • Retention campaigns based on average reading time to avoid churn
  • Proactive and reactive cancellation avoidance campaigns...
  • and many more!

Whether you are a local or national newspaper, (general-interest) newspaper or magazine, a trade publisher, media group or publishing group – our experienced customer success teams for media and publishers are happy to support you!

Woman with long brown hair and a white T-shirt holds a book in her right hand and her glasses in her left hand.

Big names in the media & publishing industry trust our Customer Experience Platform

Customer logo - Klett
Customer logo - Cornelsen
Customer logo - Heise Medien
Customer logo - intan
Customer logo - Madsack
Customer logo - Ringier
Customer logo - RAABE
Customer logo - Medienhaus Aachen
Customer logo - Beuth
Customer logo - DVV Media Group
Customer logo - Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung
Customer logo - Friedrich Verlag
Customer logo - Weka
Customer logo - Rheinische Post
Kundenlogo - Westermann Gruppe
Customer logo - Konradin Mediengruppe
Customer logo - Holzmann Medien
Customer logo - Juris
Customer logo - Heilbronner Stimme
Customer logo - Westdeutsche Zeitung
Customer logo - DuMont Mediengruppe
Customer logo - Mediengruppe Oberfranken
Customer logo - Bauer Media Groupe
Customer logo - Lippische Zeitung